Thursday, February 14, 2013

Elements and Principles of Graphic Design

Elements of Graphic Design:

Lines- Lines connect points, they can be thick or thin, long or short. They can be vertical, horizontal, or diagonal. Theres a endless variety of what we think as a line. They create shape and form. Can add direction and outlines to a design. 

You can see how the lines in this image relate to graphic design, the lines make the picture. They create shape and form, so that we are able to tell what this image is. 

Shapes- Using shapes properly is one of the keys to successful graphic design. The form, color, size and other characteristics for shapes in a layout can determine its mood and message. Different shapes can communicate different things. A shape is defined as an area that stands out from the space next to or around it due to a declined. They can either be mechanical or natural. Geometric (mechanical) shapes can be made with rulers or a compass

This image uses shapes by using the shape of a t-shirt. Without the shape of a T-shirt it would just be a bunch of colorful words.  

Mass- Mass equals size. Each piece created has a physical mass. The psychical mass or size is the actual dimensions of the piece- height, width, thickness/weight (of paper), and depth (3D Objects). Larger things, more emphasis, smaller thing, less emphasis. 

Mass in this image shows that this picture ranges in size depending on how you want to see it.

Texture- Texture can refer to the actual surface of a design or to the visual appearance of the design. In one case, the audience can actually feel the texture, making it unique from other elements of design. Selection of paper and materials in package design can affect actual texture. In a second case, texture is applied through the style of design. Rich, layered graphics can create visual texture that mirrors actual texture. It is the visual or tactile surface characteristics of a piece. Tactile is what you can actually feel.You can create symbolic textures, just with lines.

Texture in the image shows the texture of the fish, giving the appearance that the fish has hair and the scales on the fish.

Color- Color is everywhere and conveys a message, even if we don't realize it. While this message can vary by culture is pays to know what "say" in your own corner of the universe, and even what color means to your target audience. Color is not essential to a good design. Black and white and shades of gray can create "color". Value is a important element to color. The greater the value the more the contrast. You can use value to lead the eye. You can use color to change value. Color has the power to override the effects of value. 

The color in this image makes the TV stands out more then any other thing in the picture because it makes the TV stand out. 

This directs your eye to the face, the color is what makes you  see the face. If the color wasn't there, you would see a black face. 

This to me creates a mood like exploding. As in when you have so much on your mind it all feels like it could explode. I think this image can create a different mood for everyone, but to me this is the mood i get from it. 

Principles of Graphic Design:

Balance- Balance is one of the most important points to the success of the design. Balance is graphic design can be achieved by adjusting the visual weight of each element, both in terms of scale, color, contrast, etc. 

Balance makes this picture look well put together because it is balanced on both sides rather then being A-symetrical.

Proximity- Proximity calls for related items to be grouped visually, creating less clutter and making for a more organized layout. Items unrelated to each other should be placed further apart, to emphasis their lack of relationship. 

Shows proximity by the words that are grouped together, as well as the orange lines grouped together, which then create the image of the sun.

Alignment- Refers to lining up at the top, bottom, sides or middle of text or graphic elements on a page. There is different types of alignment such as: vertical alignment, horizontal alignment, edge alignment,center alignment, and visual or optical alignment. Alignment creates order, organizes page elements, groups items, and creates visual alignment. 

Repetition- In design repetition visual consistency in page designs. Such as using the same style of headlines, the same style of initial capitals, or repeating the same basic layout from one page to another. It simply means using the same elements throughout your design. 

Contrast- Simply means difference. Contrast is one of the most powerful design concepts of them all because really any design element can be contrasted with another. You can achieve contrast in many ways, through color choices, by text selection, by the positioning of elements, and so on.

White Space- Is often referred to as negative space. It is the portion left unmarked, the space between graphics. The space between columns, space between lines of types or figures and objects drawn or depicted.White space is made of nothing, but shouldn't be treated that way. There a several benefits that white space can bring to a design, simply by increasing the space between the elements. 

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